The 3Rs – Respect, Relationships and Reconciliation Project aims to:
- Raise the awareness and engagement of Indigenous units’ teaching staff with RRR resources
- Build the capability and capacity of staff, encourage resource sharing and ultimately improve the learning outcomes of students undertaking units with Indigenous content.
During 2013, an AITSL grant assisted ACDE, in collaboration with MATSITI to develop a prototype website called the 3Rs of Teaching: Respect, Relationships and Reconciliation. The website hosts online modules designed to support university Faculties and Schools of Education that are addressing Focus Areas 1.4 and 2.4 of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers.
In 2014, ACDE and MATSITI worked with 23 member institutions and Australian Indigenous Lecturers in Teacher Education (AILiTEs) to develop the prototype website. The work included auditing and mapping the website; refining original materials and writing new modules; sharing quality content; and participating in learning activities, assessment tasks and digital resources.
The 3Rs website, which was launched during the ACDE Deans’ Forum in Adelaide in June 2016, will remain a work in progress, as new material is developed.
Later this year the 3Rs project team will hand over the website, which will then be under the stewardship of the ACDE in close consultation with the Australian Indigenous Lecturers in Inititial Teacher Education (AILITEA).
The AILITEA advises the ACDE Board.

The specific aims of the project are to:
- Improve the engagement and success of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students undertaking initial teacher education programs
- Close the gap in retention/graduation rates for Indigenous and non-Indigenous students.
Phase Two began in early 2014 with Project Leader Professor Toni Downes working with 21 member institutions that are committed to reviewing strategies and action plans; identifying early evidence of progress against targets; and establishing strong and collaborative working relationships with their Indigenous Education and/or Student Services Units.
A national forum was held in late 2014. See presentations and other videos from the day.