The ACDE Board established the Network of Academic Directors of Professional Experience (NADPE) in 2016 to provide a collective voice and take leadership in key issues associated with professional experience. Under the leadership of Professor Christine Ure (Deakin), the original collective of state/territory representatives, AITSL and Department of Education representatives responded to many policy reforms directed by TEMAG. In 2018 NADPE undertook the largest study on the status of Australian professional experience. The report was submitted to the Department of Education and Training (DET) in October 2018 and articles published from the findings. The report provided significant data that had impact on the profession. I was extremely lucky to be involved in this original team under the tutelage of Christine and a fabulous group of dedicated Professional Experience leaders from across the country. 

Almost a decade later the current NADPE team continue to respond to national policy reforms including: Quality Initial Teaching Education report (QITE); Teacher Education Expert Panel (TEEP); and National Teacher Workforce Action Plan (NTWAP) as well as new AITSL Professional Experience Policy Guidelines and revised ITE Program Standards. The impact of implementing NTWAP recommendations, 17 recommendations from QITE with 4 aligned recommendations directed by TEEP has kept the NADPE team focused on not simply reacting to policy but more importantly providing responses and input to help shape policy change.   

During this recent ITE policy reform, Australia also had to respond to an international pandemic which required prompt and immediate action by all ITE providers. It was during this time 2020-2022 that NADPE led and shaped action and nuanced responses within each state/territory. As a strong community of practice, NADPE pulled together, worked collegially and led significant changes to state/territory and national Professional Experience policy and practice during this unprecedented period of time in our history.  


The Steering Group aims to progress the following priorities:

  • Evidence of practice and associated timelines for gathering evidence
  • Partnerships around professional experience (including partnership agreements)
  • Consistency in mentorship and professional development and support for mentor teachers
  • Capstone assessment.

NADPE Chair: Dr Chad Morrison | chad.morrison@murdoch.edu.au


  • Operate collegially across all institutions and in partnership with government agencies to address key issues related to Professional Experience.  
  • Share innovative practises, identify issues, and provide a collective voice and critical leadership around key issues related to Professional Experience to the ACDE Board. 
  • Develop strategies to respond in a timely manner to current and emerging issues, agendas and policy reform.  
  • Practice succession planning to ensure continuity of the Network Steering Group. 


  • CHAIR: Chad Morrison, Murdoch University
  • DEPUTY CHAIR: Chrissy Monteleone, Australian Catholic University
  • ACT Emily Hills, University of Canberra
  • NSW Rebecca Andrews, Macquarie University
  • NSW:  Susan Ledger, University of NewcastlE
  • NT Lisa Papapatrainou, Charles Darwin University
  • QLD Tania Leach, University of Southern Queensland
    and Jen Clifton, Queensland University of Technology
  • SA Jackie Thomson, Flinders University
  • TAS Robert Carter, University of Tasmania
  • WA Chad Morrison, Murdoch University
  • VIC Martina Tassone, The University of Melbourne
  • AITSL Judith Page
  • DoE Liz De Luca


In 2017 NADLATE undertook the largest study on the status of Australian professional experience, with the aim of helping to identify issues and laying a path for their future resolution.

The report reflects changes in progress, which respond to the Teacher Education Ministerial Advisory Group (TEMAG) report.

The series of five studies provide an account of current developments in Initial Teacher Education, their impact on the delivery and quality of professional experience, and issues that need to be addressed to support further improvements. 

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