The Australian Indigenous Lecturers in Teacher Education Association (AILITEA) objectives are to be an active, powerful and influential consultative corporation and advocate that gives voice and influence for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people engaging in Initial Teacher Education (ITE). The AILITEA works to support improved teacher education opportunities and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ITE students across Australia. The AILITEA relies heavily on the support and involvement of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities to achieve this.
Convenor: Shirley Gilbert s.gilbert@westernsydney.edu.au
- Improving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander access, participation and retention within ITE
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Academic workforce development and voice within the academic framework and structures
- Commitment to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people completing Higher Degrees especially PhDs,
- Commitment to creating culturally safe schools and faculties within the higher education sector in order to attract Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff
- Commitment to develop and monitor appropriate curriculum content, pedagogy, and delivery
- Highlight the importance of AITSL standards 1.4 and 2.4 to the effective delivery of Indigenous Education and in the registration and promotion of teachers in Australian schools
- Conduct of quality and culturally appropriate research that embraces Indigenous Research Methodologies amongst those assigned to Western research contexts
- Advocate Indigenous voices and experiences in policy development
Why the new 3Rs platform is so important: a discussion with members of the Australian Indigenous Lecturers in Initial Teacher Education Association (AILITEA).
Check out our new Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education website pages with their inspiring teaching stories.
Mat Jakobi on teaching for the future
Michael Colbung on deepening understanding of Indigenous culture

Shirley Gilbert, Western Sydney University

Dr Al Fricker, Deakin University