The Australian Technologies Teacher Educators Network (ATTEN) was formed in 2019 as a result of the ever-increasing necessity for teacher educators to remain current in the Technologies areas, especially as a result of the demands driven through the implementation of the Australian Curriculum: Technologies, as well as those from industry and government to develop pre-service and in-service teacher capacity and improve the quality of technologies education received by students in Australian schools.

In such a rapidly evolving and high stakes domain, it is critical that Technologies’ teacher educators from universities across Australia work together to optimise pre-service teacher preparation in initial teacher education (ITE) programs in the Digital Technologies and Design & Technologies areas.

The Australian Council of Deans of Education (ACDE) and 43 Deans of Education/Heads of School strongly supported the formation of ATTEN by nominating existing expert Technologies educators on staff in their respective Schools of Education in their institutions around Australia.

ATTEN will focus on addressing the need for greater communication across institutions for the implementation of Technologies education between pre-service teacher educators. The acceptance of these expert Technologies teacher educators established the commitment and dedication of Technologies to be the inaugural members of the ATTEN.

ATTEN Chair:

Associate Professor Jo Blannin
Monash University

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