ACDE Vocational Education Group
ACDE’s Vocational Education Group (ACDEVEG) advises the ACDE Board and represents ACDE on Vocational Education and Training (VET) matters.
The working group helps to build and strengthen high quality educational practices in VET teacher-education programs for VET practitioners.
ACDEVEG also provides advice to a range of external stakeholders on VET teacher quality and development, and was represented on the project reference group that developed the VET Capability Framework in 2011.
Activities of ACDEVEG include:
- Mapping the ‘body of knowledge’ in higher-education VET teacher training courses.
- Promoting better quality delivery of, and consistency in recognising, VET teacher-training qualifications (Certificate IV and Diploma).
- Improving stakeholders’ understanding of higher-education VET teacher-education courses.
- Identifying how changes to the Australian Qualifications Framework will affect VET courses.
- Developing specific Threshold Learning Outcomes for VET courses.
- Developing a VET teaching and learning textbook.
ACDEVEG’s Terms of Reference are to:
- Promote the importance of university qualifications as contributing to the professional standing of VET teachers and work towards increasing the proportion of the VET workforce holding university level qualifications.
- Work with stakeholders to seek recognition of higher-level qualifications through industrial awards and career progression incentives.
- Work towards:
- Better quality VET teacher preparation
- Greater consistency across VET courses and programs
- More transparent pathways from VET sector teacher qualifications to higher education teacher qualifications.
- Work with those responsible for qualifications in school teaching and university-teaching to improve transferability of teachers across the education sector.
- Promote research into Australian VET teaching and teachers, and collaborate with international counterparts, to ensure that VET policy and practices are informed by contemporary and international research evidence.
Convenor: Professor Erica Smith, 03 5327 9665 or