The VET Teaching and Teacher-Education Conference, in December 2017, focused on Driving the Future Quality of VET Teaching in Australia.
It took place at TAFE Queensland’s Southbank campus in Brisbane, with 70 participants from universities and the VET sector.
The conference featured keynote speakers, Jenny Dodd (TAFE Queensland), Craig Robertson (TAFE Directors Australia), and Robin Shreeve, (former TAFE CEO and senior policy official. Eight research-based papers were presented.
Griffith University, Charles Sturt University and TAFE Queensland sponsored the conference, which was organised by Steven Hodge and Ray Smith from Griffith University, Robyn Cooper from TAFE Queensland, and Jill Downing from the University of Tasmania.
Conference delegates were welcomed by Robyn Cooper from TAFE Queensland and Professor Paul Mazerolle, Pro Vice Chancellor (Arts, Education and Law), Griffith University.
A practitioner-focused half-day event, now well-established as part of the ACDEVEG conference, was held the day before the main conference. The keynote speaker, Tim Rawlings from PwC’s Skills for Australia, updated participants on the progress of the Training and Education training package, and seven well-attended workshops.

ACDEVEG 2017 Conference Program
A Personal View on the Growing Importance of Teacher-training in VET. Robin Shreeve.
Adaptive Graduates – The Priority for Professional and Vocational Training. Craig Robertson.
Connecting the Dots. Educator Empowerment, Student Engagement and Technology. Jodi Bowen.
Developing a Dual Identity. Teressa Schmidt.
Ethical Dilemmas for Vocational Education Teachers. Sonal Nakar.
Factors Influencing Teachers’ Enactment of Australian VET Curricula Internationally. Louise King.
Just Google it! Addressing the Complexities of eLearning. Kathryn McGilvray.
Maintaining Currency in VET. Mark Tyler and Darryl Dymock.
Quality transitions from trade to teacher. Bill Blayney and Bobby Harreveld.
What a Difference a Qual Makes. Erica Smith and Jackie Tuck.